Tristar Rush
The Tristar Rush is the second model of rocket from noted aircar manufacturer RaceTech. Once the engineers at RaceTech realized that their archrivals at Overdrive Technology were also submitting designs for the Rocket Dogs races, the RaceTech engineers started to see the Rocket Dogs races as an extension of their competition.
Several brainstorming sessions were held among the Toba engineers and scientists, all designed to answer one question: what can we build to blow Overdrive Technology’s rockets out of the race?
A dozen speculative plans were sketched out, and long backburnered R&D concepts were pulled out and discussed. Soon attention was coalescing around an old design that had never quite seen the light of day for aircar races - a multi-winged design that provided insane maneuverability, but which was impractical for the standard Toba aircar routes. Working overtime, the RaceTech engineers build a prototype and had several Toba dog trainers bring their canine companions to test out the prototypes. Toba trainer Goigako brought one of her Dachshunds, which excelled at racing with the nimble prototype, while Toba trainer Shevivo brought a Siberian Husky, who also made great use of the Tristar Rush.
With hard evidence that any sized dog could not just use the rocket, but excel with it, the Tristar Rush was pushed into immediate production.
Increased Boost Speed


Pink Rider

Trickster 7

Super Rare

Ultra Rare
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Pink Rider
Cosmic Rare
Trickster 7
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare