Prismatic Converter
No one knows the full story behind the Prismatic Converter, but that’s not for lack of trying. Only two facts are agreed on: it’s built at least partially out of the strange natural crystals that spring from the ground on the moon Radiant Refractor, and the rocket plume (or prismatic pray, or exhaust, or whatever is ejected out the back end) is rainbow colored and sparkles. Engineers at Atomo-Dyne have pondered the Prismatic Converter and have no idea what principles of atomic energy - if any! - power it. The engineers at the Toba Material Handling Phyle, masters of force fields and levitation, have inspected video of the Prismatic Converter and have admitted that they haven’t a clue. The gear heads at RaceTech and Overdrive Technology know that it has nothing to do with broadcast power, the only energy source that they’re familiar with.
Even if engineers and scientists don’t understand the principles behind the Prismatic Converter, and even if Toba journalists and bystanders have no idea who is responsible for the design and construction, all agree that the Prismatic Converter is one of the fastest rockets ever seen in the Rocket Dogs races.
Unknown Origin
Longer Boost Duration


Ruby Red


Super Rare

Ultra Rare
Black Blizzard
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Ruby Red
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Black Blizzard