Photon Accelerator
The Photon Accelerator is the final - and most extreme - rocket from the Toba Material Handling Phyle. The engineers of TMHP have worked for centuries designing force field generators, which are used across all of Quantum Prime and the outer moons to move bulk materials, and the ins and outs of forcefield technology have been well understood for generations. …and one minor detail, well known, but little talked about, is that if a force field is tuned in a certain way, it breaks apart the molecules of the matter being subjected to the field, and ejected it at terrifying speeds.
This was only discussed inside TMHP as a cautionary tale, and during design reviews and safety inspections. A mining firm buying a forcefield generator to move bauxite rich sand or giant crystals into a cargo ship wants the material to be placed gently into position, not torn apart into constitute atoms, turned into a plasma, and accelerated away.
…but as the Rocket Dogs Project got underway, one junior engineer tentatively raised his hand and asked, “what if?” What if a force field was tuned that way? What if this was done on purpose? What if the plasma was harnessed, and directed in a certain direction, as an ultra-high-speed exhaust?
A dozen Toba looked at each other, waiting to see who would be the first to laugh at the dumb question …but no one did, because it wasn’t a dumb question; the idea was a stroke of genius - and the Photon Accelerator it birthed empowered its wearer with extra speed and acceleration due to its unique engineering.
Toba Material Handling Phyle
Improved Heat Flux

Red Iron

Flying Fish

Twilight Blue

Super Rare

Ultra Rare
Cosmic Rare
Red Iron
Cosmic Rare
Flying Fish
Cosmic Rare
Twilight Blue
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare