Chaos Cyclone
The Chaos Cyclone is a bit of an oddball. Unlike most of the other propulsion units the Rocket Dogs use, this wasn’t built by a firm known for spaceflight technology. The Toba Material Handling Phyle (TMHP for short) is a group that normally designs technology and equipment for Toba mining and factories. Their tools are used across the Aluza system to move bulk materials using force fields. On Polar Paradise the TMHP force field generators and material handling systems lift and sort ground ice and snow to help extract rare botanicals excreted by the blue-green ice plankton. On Exosol the field generators are used to move mountains of sand to find the rare black gemstones hidden below. On Caldera Chaos the spinning loops and whirling bands of the TMHP tools are sometimes used to lift liquid lava off of the ground and send it in a bright yellow-red stream off into a new path, to keep it away from Toba engineers - or direct it into the maws of processing machines, which extract rare elements.
The genius of the Chaos Cyclone is reusing this force field technology to create a rocket. Instead of lifting and pushing industrial materials, the field generators push against any nearby objects - ground, trees, ice, or lava - and use the repulsion to catapult the Rocket Dog lucky enough to be equipped with this device to victory.
Toba Material Handling Phyle
Increased Boost Speed


Royal Guard

Lime Green

Super Rare

Ultra Rare
The Rainbow
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Royal Guard
Cosmic Rare
Lime Green
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
The Rainbow