Absolute Abyss

Absolute Abyss
The surface of Absolute Abyss is inhospitable - alternately ice cold and fiery hot, blasted by harsh winds which whip razor sharp sand into punishing blasts. If that’s all there was to the moon, it’s likely that few Toba would know of it or ever visit …but that’s far from all.
Beneath the harsh surface vast caves stretch across the entire moon, lit by the eerie light of the slow moving and entirely peaceful glow worms, native to the moon. The glow worms live among, and feed upon, an entirely subterranean ecosystem. Pale white underground Veeevee trees grow around the springs and pools that bring nutrients from the deep hot bacterial biosphere even deeper in the crust. Veeevee trees occasionally die of old age or excessive glow-worm predation, fall over, and are colonized by dozens of kinds of sprouting mushrooms. The mushrooms are eaten by glow worms, of course, but also dozens of smaller creatures, slow and blind mole-like creatures, fast moving rodent-like mammals, and more.
Above the strange tunnel floor ecology, here and there, perch cave dwellings. The oldest of them have been dated to the time of earliest known space travel and were made by Toba leaving Quantum Prime and seeking quiet contemplation elsewhere.