The Toba don’t actually hit poorly behaving Rocket Dogs with rolled up newspapers - even putting ethics aside, dogs learn and respond better to positive feedback than to negative feedback. However, the Toba are familiar with the trope from intercepting human television…and social media feeds, where they discovered that a rolled-up newspaper emoji is often used by humans to respond to someone introducing “weebish” topics into an unrelated chat and found the idea hilarious.
Thus, the Rocket Dog team developed Whacked!, a hologram of a large rolled up newspaper that hovers over the targeted dog. Rocket Dogs perceive the large hovering object as a threat (and, honestly, it would work just as well if the hologram was of a brick or a watermelon), and bark at it. causing the dog to lose connection with its Commander momentarily, making it a perfect way to silence a competitor during a race.
Supply Pack I

Cosmic Rare