Vision Blinders
Blinders seem to be universal for animals. For eons, the Toba bara herders used blinders on the alpha male bara to lead it through pastures and avoid distractions. The other baras followed the alpha male and they got to where they were going with no drama. The video records brought back from Earth on the Toba Flagship Leihnard show racing animals, known as horses, running with blinders to restrict their field of view.
Some Rocket Dogs can block out the other competitors and run a great race. But other dogs constantly look around and get distracted. Alone on the racecourse they run well but with the other dogs they simply cannot focus.
Of course, the simple blinders used on bara or Earth racing horses would not work for Rocket Dogs. First, rocket boosted dogs move too quickly. The blinders would either come off or cause dangerous wind turbulence which could injure the dog. Secondly, the baras and racing horses do not contend with attacks, while Rocket Dogs need to be hyper-aware of their surroundings.
Enter the Vision Blinders made by the Badzee Group, the makers of the Moondust Goggles. What looks to be very stylishly simple blinders actually are a marvel of micro technology, sensors, and aerodynamic mastery. The comfortable harness is adjusted to fit each dog securely. The Vision Blinders surface has micro airfoils which constantly monitor the dog’s head position and direct airflow to minimize drag. The sensor and proximity arrays detect competitors and the environment. By removing the distracting visual clues, the Vision Blinders let the wearer know of their surroundings via auditory cues, allowing them to focus their vision on the racecourse ahead of them.
Supply Pack I

Cosmic Rare