Timmy's Well
When the Toba flagship Leinhard visited Earth it intercepted, cataloged, and stored tens of thousands of hours of human television. Included in that was a complete run of Lassie - a show that the Toba dog trainers later watched obsessively as they tried to understand their new companion species.
The dogs on Quantum Prime watched it with their Toba trainers, and thus it wasn’t long before a standing joke reference to Timmy’s Well became an idea for a trap. Timmy’s Well is a holographic image of a well, along with a computer synthesized voice asking the targeted Rocket Dogs to go get help. The target Rocket Dogs know it’s a trick, of course … but they can’t help but get excited that something from television is actually happening to them in real life (!!!!) and end up running around and barking despite themselves.

Cosmic Rare