Time Vortex
The siblings Gilk and Tolona began working together on harmless and fun traps when they were just children in Waimod, but their talents grew over the years. At first, they built simple wood and string assemblies, but as Tolona read hundreds of books her imagination grew, and Gilk’s engineering and science abilities kept track with her creativity.
Their collaboration reached its absolute peak in the Time Vortex. Before it’s deployed the trap looks like a simple metal cylinder that fits easily in a pocket, or hidden in a dog’s paw, but the device is actually far more complicated than it looks. Most of the machinery of the Time Vortex is tucked away, hidden in the fourth dimension. Vast capacitor banks, huge energy arrays, cyclotrons, and enough support machinery to fill a medium sized city lurk unseen in a hidden dimension behind each Time Vortex - and it’s this huge complexity that makes the Time Vortex the absolute rarest of all Rocket Dog traps.
When activated by pressing the small switch at one end of the small metal initiator, the vast machinery of the Time Vortex springs to life. Charged capacitors discharge, giant energy fields are developed, cyclotrons start to emit stranger and stranger particles, until finally a stream of tachyons bursts forth from the fourth dimension and into the three standard dimensions known to Rocket Dogs, forming a swirling purple vortex of crackling snapping lightning bolts.
(In fact, Gilk has explained that when the button on the initiator is pressed, the whole process of spinning up the Time Vortex takes an hour or more, and the complete vortex then travels one hour and a few seconds back in time, to just before the event was triggered, but no one can follow the math that he’s sketched out, so he’ll just have to be trusted on this.)
No matter how (or when!) the Time Vortex works, the effect is clear: the targeted Rocket Dog is catapulted a few seconds backwards in time, undoing his most recent travel, and giving the owner of the vortex a clear advantage in the race.
Supply Pack I

Ultra Rare
Cosmic Rare