Synthweave Suit
The Synthweave Suit was conceived far from the training areas, the racecourses, and the kennels that are integral parts of the Rocket Dogs world. The impetus which resulted in the highly technical Synthweave Suit began over 100 years earlier on Polar Paradise.
Daiko, mining supervisor for Ice Plankton, LTD, Quantum City, was scheduled for a 6-month rotation at the company’s operational depot on Polar Paradise. Normally, this would mean Daiko would travel alone as there are no facilities on Polar Paradise for families. The accommodations were as sparse and bleak as the climate. However, Leena, Daiko’s life mate grew up on Astro Gulch in a small mountain community where her father researched the migration habits of ashaz. She was aware of the isolation and the dangers that Polar Paradise posed but felt that she was more than up for the challenge. Their two children, Isha and baby Travin were too young for school and could easily be entertained inside, away from the brutal cold.
They settled in nicely on Polar Paradise. Daiko did appreciate coming home from the mines to a hot meal with his family, a luxury other miners envied. The large ice pile that Daiko put up next to their house provided a much-needed windbreak and allowed the children a place to play outside occasionally. The 6-month rotation passed quickly and soon they were back on Quantum Prime. Being so young, the children grew up having few memories of Polar Paradise. One memory that stuck with Isha was how bundled up and immobile she was when outside. Walking was hard, running was out of the question. Playing catch with yinyon balls was impossible.
Over a hundred years later, Isha was watching a Rocket Dogs race on Polar Paradise from the comfort of her home in Quantum City. She noticed the short haired dogs drafting off the long-haired breeds. While the announcers were talking about smart energy and boost management, she understood exactly what the short haired dogs were doing, running behind a flaming rocket to keep warm. The dogs needed a suit that would keep them warm yet allow them to run unimpeded. Luckily for the Rocket Dogs, Isha’s daughter was a chemist with a research firm on Astro Gulch. After many months of trials, the first Synthweave Suit was ready to test.
The Synthweave Suit is a custom-tailored full body suit made of a special weave of synthetic bara and sheni fur to provide maximum warmth, breathability, and flexibility along with a form fitting design that reduces wind resistance. On the very next race on Polar Paradise, a Synthweave Suit wearing Vizsla started out in front and never looked back!
Supply Pack I

Cosmic Rare