Stardog Boots
Rocket Dogs race on some interesting and varied terrain! From the ice and snow of Polar Paradise to the sands of Exosol, to the cavern beds of Absolute Abyss, the courses of the races are never dangerous, but can be a bit treacherous.
Dog feet are well evolved to running on a variety of surfaces, but just because Nature does a good job, doesn’t mean that Technology can’t lend a hand.
Stardog Boots are a set of four high tech booties that provide improved grip. The bottoms have anti-slip traction pads, of course, but the advantages don’t end there: with built in sensors and computers to detect the surface and pick an optimal technique, the boots can extend sticky pads, traction bars, or spike cleats to help a Rocket Dog grab onto the path and accelerate ahead.
Supply Pack I

Cosmic Rare