Recharged Redeployment
The Toba Material Handling Phyle is in charge of building force field generators, conveyor belts, pipelines, and pumps, and a thousand other types of material moving tools that are used throughout the Toba planetary system and on outposts around dozens of other stars. A thousand tools for a thousand different purposes. Sometimes a force field generator is best. Sometimes, because of strong magnetic fields, that’s not a great option, and an application calls out for a smart chain or intelli-rope. Sometimes the payload is gooey or wet or caustic, and a pipeline makes sense.
…and sometimes, when you want maximum humor, a giant crane with a big grasping claw is exactly what’s called for.
That’s the design principle behind the Recharged Redeployment: why pick up and move a trap from place to place with something elegant and refined when a huge and hilarious crane delivers five times the lulz?
Supply Pack I

Cosmic Rare