Rainbow Octane
Radiant Refractor is covered with a mixture of forests and open plains, all bright green with abundant plant life…but the forests and plains are interrupted by eruptions of giant crystals which give the moon its name. As researchers have studied the crystals they’ve learned more about their strange properties, leading to the development of the prismatic converter rocket.
A spin off of the prismatic converter rocket research and design program is a special fuel, also derived from the crystal forests of Radiant Refractor: Rainbow Octane. The same quantum logic processing pathways inside the crystals that make them perfectly suited for high tech chip substrates and also help the rocket thrust vector itself, thus negating a Rocket Dog’s need to maneuver around tricky terrain.
How the granules of crystal in the Rainbow Octane fuel keep doing computations at such high temperatures is a mystery - but Rocket Dogs don’t need to understand the science, they just need to win races!
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Rocket Fuel

Cosmic Rare