Raging Hellfire
The black volcanic crust and bright red magma flows that cross the surface of Caldera Chaos are a vision from a nightmare…and yet Toba cycle in, every few weeks, to staff the various mining operations that dot the small sphere. Entire mobile steel mills descend from orbit to exploit particularly iron-rich flows of lava, and then are lifted off the moon again when the crust becomes too unstable. Giant aluminum processing plants are located next to flows that are rich in bauxite.
But when one of the satellites in orbit around Caldera Chaos alerts miners that a new volcano is forming, one that shows signs of Raging Hellfire, that’s when the smallest, most nimble refineries are dropped from orbit. Landing right next to the youngest, hottest, most violent volcanoes, the refineries - and their workers - set to work. Toba, equipped in liquid-cooled suits, covered with reflective aluminized armor, brave the raging explosions of liquid rock to wrestle the intake scoops into the magma flows, hoping to harvest some of the precious streams of Raging Hellfire before the alarms indicating unstable ground, or a magma bubble sound.
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