Quarky Repeller
Some dogs take the Traps, Spikes and Strains in stride, understanding it’s just part of the race. However, some dogs take the attacks very personally. Goigako, one of the Dachshund trainers, noticed a particular Doxie become consumed with revenge when it was caught by a Spike. Even after the race was finished, the Doxie would wait for an opportune time to go after the very dog that Spiked it. Of course, this behavior is not tolerated. The Doxie was sent back to Waimod for additional training.
Goigako, being small himself, understood what the little dog was going through. Getting Trapped or Strained is one thing, but a Spike Attack is costly in a race and extremely humiliating. Luckily, Goigako had a cousin who worked at Toba Material Handling Phyle, and he discussed the problem with her. She understood the issue and felt the dog doing the Spiking needed a taste of its own medicine. Working with the force field generator team, she designed and developed the Quarky Repeller. Worn around the neck, the Quarky Repeller senses when a Spike is directed at the wearer and reflects the Spike back on the dog that used it. Does it work every time? No, but when it does, it is an epic revenge! Armed with a Quarky Repeller, the little Doxie was able to return to the races while keeping its temper in check.
Supply Pack I

Super Rare
Cosmic Rare