Bodoro, the member of the Rocket Dogs Kitchen tasked with making beverages for Rocket Dogs, based Propelerade on conventional Toba sports drinks. Knowing that the standard Toba sports drink was an artificial preparation that owed more to chemistry than to harvesting or cooking natural foodstuffs, he decided to consult with food scientists - and it was a good thing that he did. Rocket Dogs, descending from Earth life, have physiology and biochemistry that is similar to that of the Toba in many ways, but there are a few differences. The food scientists learned that some Toba sports drink additives can cause allergies in Rocket Dogs, so creating Propelerade wasn’t as simple as just repackaging an existing drink. The beverage had to be formulated from the ground up, to be tasty for dogs, quench their thirst, give them extra energy, and yet not trigger any allergies.
Thankfully, though, Rocket Dogs are not allergic to artificial colors, Propelerade still has that exciting neon-glow that Toba athletes know and appreciate in their sports drinks.
Supply Pack I

Super Rare
Cosmic Rare