Peanut Butter Chews
Junior Chef Geemi had such great success in her attempt to replicate Earth bacon that she used the same technique - of poring through recordings of Benny talking about Earth food, and then looking through recordings of Earth cookbooks - that she decided to try it again.
Benny talked about a second treat that his human family on Earth gave him – Peanut Butter Chews - and so Geemi set out to replicate this.
Geemi knew from her research that “peanut butter” was made from “peanuts”, and that “peanuts” grow underground, so she tried several recipes based around Toba underground vegetables, but none matched the smooth-but-chunky, nutty-but-sweet, earthy-but-not-dirt-like flavors that Earth books described. Finally, she had an inspiration – Earth peanuts apparently grew underground, and she’d been letting that limit her thinking. …but what if she experimented with other Toba ingredients? She started off with vegetable husks, moved on to various forms of edible tree bark, and finally stumbled across a certain type of seed pods that grew on the long drooping stems of the kokovi tree. Geemi experimented with opening the seed pods by hand, drying, and grinding up the seeds, and mixing them with freshly pressed oil, sugar, and a pinch of salt, and knew at once that she’d come across a good analogue of Earth peanut butter. With this critical step out of the way, it was quick work to make up Peanut Butter Chews based on an old Toba recipe for chewy cookies.
The result may or may not be exactly the same as Peanut Butter Chews made from real Earth peanuts, but the Rocket Dogs all seem to love them, so Geemi considers it a completely successful recipe.

Cosmic Rare