Particle Beam
The researchers at Atomo-Dyne are best known for their work on Toba spaceships, but their research into physics means that they occasionally produce products that serve other needs. For centuries the Toba have been dealing with the threat of stray comets falling in from their system’s equivalent of the Oort Cloud by using tuned particle beams to boil water and methane ice in comets, causing small jets, which results in the ice balls diverting into safer orbits.
When Kainsha and Gogali, the leads of the Rocket Dogs Project, put out a request for proposals, Atomo-Dyne suggested that a version of their Particle Beam could be tuned to impact the energy level of dogs, and scaled down to fit onto a Rocket Dog. Remember, particle beams travel in straight lines, which makes this the perfect attack to use when you’re towards the back of the pack!
Supply Pack I

Cosmic Rare