Nyx's Midnight Tunic
Soon after the Leinhard arrived back at Quantum Prime with its cargo of Earth dogs (and a bit surprisingly, a handful of Earth monkeys as well!), Toba scientists began a research project to study dog physiology, biochemistry, and neurological behavior.
One thing they discovered - something that even humans, who’d lived with dogs for tens of thousands of years, had never detected - is that the canine visual system has a few defects that make dogs just as susceptible to various optical illusions as humans are.
While humans fall prey to a several well-known illusions - the afterimage illusion, the checker shadow illusion, and a dozen others - dogs are susceptible to a somewhat different set. One of the illusions that dogs can be affected by is a subtle pattern of dark lines on a dark background, which seems to spin and gyre and fall away from the observer, receding backwards into space.
Toba trap designers Tolona and Gilk learned of this optical illusion while working on another project and couldn’t stop themselves from branching out from making traps to making a piece of Rocket Dog gear that, while technically not a trap, sure seems to operate as one.
Any Rocket Dog sporting the dark dark gray Nyx’s Midnight Tunic, with its subtle and stylish quilted design will capture the attention of any nearby competitor who is unwise enough to look at their jacket … and as the other dog is staring at the twisting writhing pattern that seems to fall away into the distance, they’re sure to be distracted from all the other important things that they should be doing - like racing around obstacles and avoiding attacks!
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