When the Council of Game Masters agreed to create Rocket Dogs as an official Toba sport, one of the compromises was the races would take place at multiple locations on multiple moons in the Aluza System. All Toba, no matter where they lived in the System, deserved a chance to see the Rocket Dogs.
The dogs love traveling from moon to moon. With their own Commanders, they consume their normal food, treats and drinks along the way, and sleep in their own comfortable kennels. The only variables for the dogs are the racecourse environments. Changes in weather, temperature and humidity will affect a dog, but after a few warmup laps prior to the race, they are good to go. What takes longer to acclimate to is the altitude. Some tracks go up and through mountain passes and the thin atmosphere leaves some dogs gasping for air. Most race schedules allow several days for the dogs to acclimate to the different altitudes. Sometimes it is not possible. This is when smart Commanders employ the Moxidizer.
The Moxidizer is custom fit to each dog’s particular snout (Pugs and English Bulldogs are the absolute hardest.) It gives a blast of sweet, pure Oxygen to compensate for the high altitude. Although this may seem like an unfair advantage for dogs that don’t use a Moxidizer, the breeds which acclimate fastest do enjoy not having a Moxidizer strapped to their face… and run just fine.

Cosmic Rare