The Hail-Bop weapon is a refinement of the Meteorite Storm, with two changes. First, an on-board resource acquisition computer and sensor array lets the Hail-Bop peer further out into space and located a larger, denser asteroid. Second, a denser power pack and finely tuned grappler field generator let the Hail-Bop reach out much further than the Meteorite Storm and actually pull in a larger asteroid.
Where the Meteorite Storm slightly dazes an opponent Rocket Dog, the Hail-Bop strongly disorients him. Where the Meteorite Storm might knock an opponent a few feet sideways, the Hail-Bop can knock him off a trail, down a hillside, or into a river.
When you want to give your opponent a little love-tap, sure, use a Meteorite Storm…but when you really want to get his attention (and maybe focus it on the mouthful of dirt he’s just ingested), there’s no replacement for the Hail-Bop.
Supply Pack I

Ultra Rare
Cosmic Rare