Galactic Spark
Cosmic Primordial is a moon of temples, monasteries, libraries, and shrines…at least, those are the structures that dot the flat tops of the high plateaus. Beyond the edges of the plateaus, where the streams and rivers fall off the rims and turn to mist on their way to the lowlands below, that’s where the mines are found. The machines that slowly chew their way into the sides of the plateaus, questing for minerals, have to obey strict noise regulations, so that the sages, priests, and monks above can meditate or pray without being disturbed…but there’s a subtle irony to this, as the rocket fuel that they mine, Galactic Spark, has a noise dampening effect when it’s used. Is there something elemental, something physical about Cosmic Primordial that makes it calming? Is it, perhaps, not coincidence, but something about the minerals here that made Cosmic Primordial the perfect home for the mystics and sages and monks? Questions like that are interesting for intellectuals to contemplate, but Rocket Dogs have no time for such debate - there are races to be won!
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