Flash Freeze
Atomo-Dyne Labs is best known for their rocket designs. Their mastery of physics allows them to build every sort of engine from the possible-with-20th-century-technology Atomic Bolt to the centuries-ahead-of-humans Quark Phaser…but certain phenomena that are discovered in the Atomo-Dyne research labs have no obvious application in rocket technology. One such discovery gave Atomo-Dyne the ability to create a localized time stasis field. This is used widely in Toba society for everything from “freezing” accident victims until they can be transported to a high capability hospital in Quantum Prime, to ensuring that shoavi fruit plucked in the orchards of Idgoroo is still tree-fresh when it lands on the kitchen tables of Toba in Quantum Prime - or in any of the various Toba exploration starships.
This technology was used by Atomo-Dyne to create the Flash Freeze for the Rocket Dog races. When an opponent is pulling ahead in a Rocket Dog race, hit him with a Flash Freeze (carefully calibrated to just two seconds) to give you a chance to take the lead!
Combo Boxes

Cosmic Rare