Exodust Embers
Exosol is a desert moon, a bit like Helios Retreat, but where Helios Retreat looks much like an Earth desert, Exosol is absolutely alien. The vast and shifting dunes are made of red sand that tinkles and chimes as the ever-present wind blows it and reshapes the sinuous dunes.
The strange tinkling sound of the crystalline sand is a clue that the dunes and wastes of Exosol are unlike those of any Earth desert. The sand of Exosol isn’t made just of weathered and ground up rock (although that is the majority component), but also has grains of stranger chemicals and ground up crystals.
Vast mobile processing centers roam the Exosol desert, raking, sifting, and filtering the sand, separating out various vital components.
One of these is Exodust Embers, a compound that, when exposed to the high heat of a scramjet, or a rocket plume, will melt, glaze and then resolidify, raising the rocket’s internal temperature, which just might force a competitor’s rocket to shut down, rendering it unusable for the rest of the race!
Supply Pack I

Cosmic Rare