Electro Leash
Electro Leash is a spin off invention that was derived from Chain Lightening. In a few early tests of the prototype of the Chain Lightening, the ionizing lasers swept out a channel from the attacker to the target, intending to then deliver a charge of static electricity through the tube of ionized air…but something went wrong, and the static electricity generator didn’t fire. Once the static electricity generator was debugged the problem went away…but one junior Toba engineer working on the project kept staring at the results. Something didn’t make sense … during the trial runs when the static electricity generator didn’t work, the batteries in the Chain Lightening ended up with more of a charge than they should have after the laser volley. What was going on?
Eventually he figured it out - the lasers had created an ionized tube, perfect for conducting electrons … but in the absence of the chain lightening, power had flowed backwards down the tube, from the target’s battery banks, and into the prototype weapon.
From there it was a short project to productive this as a trap – and The Electro Leash was invented.
Combo Boxes

Cosmic Rare