Drum of Raijin
The Toba have had energy transmission technology for thousands and thousands of years, allowing them to beam electricity from place to place (and thus actually achieving some of the wild ideas that the human Nikola Tesla would have tens of thousands of years later!). Toba energy transmission is used for all sorts of things: sending wireless power to space stations too small to have their own nuclear reactors, making it easy for Toba mountain climbers to heat up their food (or half frozen feet!), and so forth. Of course, if you can beam energy from here to there, it’s a relatively small adjustment to pull energy from there back to here.
That’s the design principle behind the Drum of Raijin: instead of sending power out to a small interstellar probe or for Toba deep sea diving research lab, the Rocket Dog gear, when activated, sucks power in from the rockets and devices of nearby competitors. It’s a sneaky power, so use it when it stings the most - when a competitor is about to pull ahead, or [ thinks he’s about to] spring a surprise on you!
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