Come Hither
While the Toba Material Handling Phyle develops a wide variety of force field generators for moving water, ice, sand, and other bulk materials, sometimes a Toba needs to move a small thing a short distance and it’s not worth all the hassle and expense of firing up a force field generator. Whether one is a Toba warehouse worker stacking a few pipes, or a construction worker moving some I-beams a few feet, sometimes the right solution is just a rope or a chain.
Of course, the Toba are centuries or millennia in advance of Earth technology, so even their relatively crude technology is pretty advanced. Why should a Toba have to laboriously drag a chain around a bunch of pipes, or thread it through some holes in an I-beam when he can use an intelligent device with actuators and batteries?
The Come Hither is based on TMHP “smart chain” technology and can reach out and grab an opponent. Use it when an opponent is ahead of you - but beware that when you take the lead, someone might use it against you!

Ultra Rare
Cosmic Rare