Bowl of Kibble
The Bowl of Kibble is exactly what it sounds like: a basic bowl of dried nourishing nuggets. …but Lairti, the Toba Chef who perfected the design, wasn’t content to let “basic” mean “boring”. He experimented for months, coming up with the absolute best kibble. Each small hand-made batch was a different mixture of wheat-like grains from the huge plains of Leenro, the finest green, red, and leafy vegetables from the farming community of Waimod, and sweet fruits from the orchards of Idgoroo.
Chef Lairti labored over each batch, assisted by his squad of sous chefs, who chopped, ground, spiced, and mashed the ingredients to his exacting demands …and then the kibble, once complete, was offered to the Rocket Dogs. Lairti took careful notes, seeing which combinations of grains made the dogs turn their heads away, which vegetables caused their noses to twitch with interest, and which spices and fruits caused them to drool.
Eventually Lairti had almost perfected his recipe - and at this point he sent his assistants out of the kitchen. The final experiments - and the final recipe for Bowl of Kibble - would be his alone. A few more days of testing, and he’d perfected it. Because the recipe is still a secret (at least the last few steps, where the spices are measured out, and the fruit components go through some obscure steps), this means that no one but Lairti can make an authentic Bowl of Kibble. …but that doesn’t mean his kibble is rare. With his whole team working through the first dozen steps of the recipe, and the ingredients being stirred together in the vast automated mixing bowls of the Rocket Dogs Kitchen, the kibble is nutritious, tasty, and easily affordable.
Supply Pack I

Cosmic Rare