Aero Suit
Sure, the Stardog Suit is nice and fancy, but not every dog wants to be pampered. What some Rocket Dogs need is a little protection that doesn’t interfere with a dog’s natural abilities. And that is the idea behind the Aero Suit. When Kudloo Space Products decided to get involved in Rocket Dogs and submitted their plans, the first offering was the Aero Suit.
The Aero Suit offers protection against the harshest environments but allows the dog to still feel the elements. Will the suit protect against temperature extremes? Of course. Will the suit protect against scrapes and bumps from obstacles, traps, or other Rocket Dogs? Of course. Will the dogs feel like they are on a tropical beach enjoying the surf? Of course not! This is not for the delicate pooch, but the Rocket Dog that likes to mix it up. Nothing says “I’m ready to race” as I’m running right over you… like the Aero Suit!

Super Rare
Cosmic Rare