Aegis of Athena
The Toba science of forcefields has broad applicability – forcefield generators are used in everything from loading cargo ships, to pumping water, to powering Rocket Dog rockets like the Photon Accelerator, to powering personal safety devices like micrometeorite shields for Toba astronauts.
One version of micrometeorite shield was reworked for Rocket Dogs is the Collar of Containment, a glowing device that softens the damage from incoming attacks and generates power for the Rocket Dog equipped with the collar.
…but once the prototype was built, one Toba engineer asked the inevitable question. What if, instead of storing the energy from the incoming attack, the Collar immediately used the energy…to reflect the attack back?
As it turned out, the circuitry to do that was too big to fit in a collar, but the idea was workable, and gave rise to the Aegis of Athena: a shield shaped device that doesn’t just absorb incoming attacks but actively bounces them back at the attacker!
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