The Toba’s climb from stone age to bronze age to iron age and beyond was much like humanity’s climb: slow, laborious, marked by false hopes, dead ends, incremental improvements, and occasional break throughs. One such breakthrough was the development of a neurological enhancer, which, when triggered, increased the reaction speed, and decreased the error rate of neurons. The early experiments achieved extraordinary things…but also terrible things. It turns out that neurons aren’t designed to be overclocked and doing so for more than a short period can burn them out, resulting in permanent brain damage (“the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long”). Future versions of Adrenalixir neurological enhancer had timers built into them, protected by a dozen layers of security to make them all but unhackable, as a safety measure. At that point the Adrenalixir helped catalyze the Toba’s further climb: through the atomic age, the computer age, the biological engineering age, and beyond.
Now the Adrenalixir has been ported to the Rocket Dog races. A Rocket Dog who triggers it will find his agility, will and perception boosted. Make good use of it - the timer runs out in 15 seconds!
Combo Boxes

Cosmic Rare