Siberian Husky
When Siberian Huskies were first brought to Quantum Prime, Toba dog trainers noticed that the Huskies soon became tired from play, pausing to pant. The dog trainers were confused by this, because all the other breeds of dogs seemed to have much more stamina. To investigate further, they reviewed the vast trove of human video and internet data that had been captured by the Toba flagship Leihnard during its visit to Earth - and that’s when they realized that Huskies had been bred to thrive in the cold arctic environment. Reviewing more data, they found videos of sled dog racing in Alaska, and noticed how the dogs didn’t just tolerate running in the cold weather, but actively seemed to love running together with their pack mates.
The trainer assigned to the Huskies, Shevivo, decided to try an experiment. While most of the other dog trainers were working with their charges on Quantum Prime, Shevivo got permission to take the Huskies to the frozen tundra of Polar Paradise, where the Huskies seemed to come alive, romping and playing with twice the enthusiasm they’d had back on Quantum Prime. With a bit of experimenting (and calling in favors from local engineers, who improvised a sled and harnesses) Shevivo soon found that Huskies did, in fact, love working in teams, just as the video transmissions intercepted at Earth showed. Shevivo returned the Huskies to Quantum Prime and set to work getting cooling rigs built for them, so that they could compete fairly against other breeds, even on moons other than Polar Paradise…but the real take-away from the experiment on that cold moon was learning how well Huskies work together.
Pack Energy

Black & White

Gray & White

Red & White

Super Rare

Ultra Rare
Neon Dream
Cosmic Rare
Black & White
Cosmic Rare
Gray & White
Cosmic Rare
Red & White
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Neon Dream