Shiba Inu
All Rocket Dogs get copious free time in between training sessions to play with their friends, roll in the grass, or take a nap in the sun. These free play sessions are much less structured than the training - for the dogs! - but the Toba dog handlers work just as hard, observing, taking notes, and analyzing the individual behaviors and traits of the various dogs and the different breeds.
While watching one dog free-for-all, the Toba trainer Romo saw her charge, a Shiba Inu, playing with an English Bulldog and a Golden Retriever. While the Shiba was distracted by the Golden, the Bulldog backed up and started running straight at the Shiba. Romo grimaced; she’d seen enough dog shenanigans to know that the Bulldog was using his famous bulldozer attack: building up speed, lowering its head, and crashing straight into its target. However, this time, the Bulldog’s play attack failed: just at the moment of impact, the Shiba tucked into a ball, barrel rolled out of the way in style, and left the Bulldog shaking its head in confusion.
Romo saw the same technique used again a few days later and realized that this unique ability had the potential to be very useful in Rocket Dogs races. Knowing this, she worked with her dogs, perfecting the barrel roll technique into a special move guaranteed to disorient and confuse any rival!
Barrel Roll


Black & Tan


Super Rare

Ultra Rare
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Black & Tan
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare