Russell Terrier
The Toba dog trainers expected - based on their own experience with animals on Quantum Prime - that bigger dogs would move slowly, and small dogs would move faster. After all, mass is hard to accelerate, and takes more energy. The rabbit-like sheni is renowned among Toba for being very speedy as it runs across fields, the cow-like ashaz of Astro Gulch moves much slower, and the strange, cave-dwelling fogo beast moves slowest of all (except when it’s attacking!)
Thus, the Toba dog trainers weren’t at all surprised that Russell Terriers, Dachshunds, and Pomeranians could zip around more quickly, and for longer, than could Old English Sheepdogs or Great Danes…but they were surprised to see that even after the other small dogs in a play group were laying down, panting from their games, the Russell Terriers could explode into a second round of action, running in circles, grabbing balls that the other dogs were too tired to defend, or racing behind larger dogs to give them playful nips on their tails.
Can a Russell Terriers exploit this second wind to good effect in a Rocket Dogs race? It’s certainly a possibility that will keep exhausted competitors looking over their shoulder whenever they race against a Russell Terriers!
Second Wind

White & Brown



Super Rare
White & Cream

Ultra Rare
The Genie
Cosmic Rare
White & Brown
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
White & Cream
Cosmic Rare
The Genie