Old English Sheepdog
The Toba didn’t quite know what to make of Old English Sheepdogs. Often when working with them, the dogs would saunter into someone’s path, and then just slow down and stop, making it hard for the Toba dog trainers to get where they were going.
Were the Old English Sheepdogs lazy? Were they dumb? What was up with them?
It was the dog trainer Dishi who finally noticed something interesting - often the Old English Sheepdogs would saunter into a location and then slow down and stop…just before some of the bigger, more rambunctious dogs like the Siberian Huskies who were running around and playing managed to roll over and crush some of the smaller dogs like the Dachshunds. The Old English Sheepdogs were herding! By moving into the right place and then using their big furry bodies to block the path, they were creating a living fence. This technique is useful for protecting smaller dogs from the rambunctious shenanigans of bigger dogs … but is also great tactic in a Rocket Dogs race!
Living Fence

Blue Gray & White

Brown & White

White & Gray

Super Rare

Ultra Rare
Electric Heart
Cosmic Rare
Blue Gray & White
Cosmic Rare
Brown & White
Cosmic Rare
Whire & Gray
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Electric Heart