Golden Retriever
Toba at first thought that Golden Retrievers were intellectually slow, because they engaged in far more silliness than the other breeds, and often didn’t take training seriously. Upon reviewing the video logs and thousands of notes made by the various Toba dog trainers, the Toba scientists realized something shocking: while the Golden Retrievers didn’t seem very serious and goal-focused, the dogs around them often did better on tests of intelligence and problem-solving and completed tasks faster than if the Golden Retrievers weren’t present. Armed with this new theory the scientists and dog trainers re-watched the video footage and saw how the light-hearted nature of the Goldens raised the mood of the dogs around them, encouraged them, and helped them work together to accomplish their goals. Far from being intellectually slow, the Goldens were both quite clever and helpful in organizing groups. What had first seemed like silly rambunctiousness was actually heightened energy - an energy they shared with their teammates.
Realizing this, the lead dog trainers removed the rather introvert trainer, Dishi, from working with Goldens and reassigned her to the Old English Sheepdogs, because their calm demeanor and quiet intelligence better suited her personality, and moved in a new trainer, Vokli, who’s rambunctious outgoing personality was more in tune with that of her charges. Under Vokli’s training, the Goldens have perfected their exuberant style of fun leadership.
Running Buddies

Light Golden


Dark Golden

Super Rare

Ultra Rare
Cosmic Rare
Light Golden
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Dark Golden
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare