The Dachshund is a famously underrated breed. Many see them as small, whiny, demanding, and sometimes obnoxious dogs (that bark!), and when the Toba first encountered them, they thought so as well.
It was only after the Toba became more acquainted with Dachshunds on Quantum Prime that they began to realize that they’re not small (they’re compact), and they’re not whining and demanding (they’re good at communication.) The bark, though - the Toba were forced to admit that humans were right about that.
When the Toba first brought dogs back from Earth to Quantum Prime there was some confusion as to how to raise the dogs to be well behaved, but luckily the recorded interviews with Benny held many of the secrets: interact with puppies a lot and train them with positive reinforcement. Based on this information, the Toba leadership quickly called for volunteers, and selected a dozen dog trainers (actually, the Toba mostly let the dogs select them! The volunteers who the dogs picked to play with made the first cut, and those volunteers who worked patiently with the dogs to cure their over-enthusiasm like jumping and biting made the second cut.)
Goigako was one of the volunteers who seemed to have a special affinity for Dachshunds, and one of the games he played with them was teaching them to bark - but only when appropriate.
This combination of natural Dachshund talent and Goigako’s training is what makes the Dachshund bark so devastating in a Rocket Dogs race, turning a simple bark into a weapon that can disorient other racers!
Bigger than its Bite

Black & Tan

Red Long Haired

Red Smooth Haired

Super Rare
Old & Wise

Ultra Rare
Cosmic Rare
Black & Tan
Cosmic Rare
Red Long Haired
Cosmic Rare
Red Smooth Haired
Cosmic Rare
Old & Wise
Cosmic Rare