When the Toba flagship Leihnard returned from its trip to Earth with a cargo of Earth dogs (and strangely, some stowaway monkeys), the dogs were shuttled down to a facility in the Waimod region of the countryside of Quantum Prime. The Toba who had been selected to care for the dogs were waiting eagerly when the shuttle (a product of the Advanced Exploration Technology Group) touched down the first arrivals. The Collies who trotted down the ramp were eager to explore the strange grasses of Quantum Prime - replete with new and interesting smells - and to jump up and lick all of the Toba who were waiting for them.
The Toba have been warned that the dogs might be very high energy after their trip on the Leihnard, but the Collies were exactly the reverse - calm and self-possessed.
…but then with each new shuttle that landed, with each new pair of dogs that raced down the ramp, the Collies got more and more excited. It didn’t take the Toba long to realize that this was a breed characteristic of the Collies the more dogs around, the more excited and energetic they got. Could this be an advantage in Rocket Dogs races - gaining speed and energy the more competitors there are in a race? It seems possible!
Where's Timmy?

Red & White



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Blue Merle

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Red & White
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Cosmic Rare
Blue Merle
Cosmic Rare